Gaspar began its second half-century in 2017!

Two facilities located in Canton, Ohio

We can handle your complex drilling and burning requirements

Gaspar began its second half-century in 2017!

From simple to complex, why take chances with your designs?
Gaspar Inc. has decades of proven engineering and fabricating experience building equipment of all types.
Take a look at some of our past projects and view our exceptional craftsmanship, then contact us for your next quote. We look forward to helping make your next big (or small!) project a success!
Need a quote?
View our quality firsthand, then contact us to discuss your next project!
Isolated Reactive Materials Bay
Engineering Excellence
Expertise in Custom Fabrication

With quality being our top priority, we offer our customers the assurance that thier equipment consisting of alloys and special metals are built in an area segragated from all carbon steel cross-contamination.
Let us build it first! Gaspar Inc. has an engineering team that utilizes the latest and best in calculation, design and drafting technology. We work closely with our customers to ensure a complete and cost effective design worthy of your high standards.
If you can dream it, we can build it. Our engineers, fitters and welders have decades of experience building some of the most complex designs in use today in some of the most demanding environments around the globe.

Focused on our Crew
The safety and health of every Gaspar employee is a top priority and it starts with Teamwork. Responsibility for providing a safe working environment starts at the top and becomes the first obligation for every team member thereafter to perform work in accordance with the safe standards and practices established. Only through such a concerted effort can an efficient safety and health program be promoted and preserved.

Focused on Quality
Quality is the foundation that built Gaspar Inc. into the company that it is today. We are committed to providing customer products that meet or exceed customer specifications and ASME code standards. Quality is, and has always been our best salesman.